18 Years in the Making!
On September 17th, 2018, Terry finished the Appalachian Trail, eighteen years after his first section hike.
From Georgia to Maine, thousands of white paint blotches or “blazes” are used to mark the Appalachian Trail (AT). Staying on the AT requires that you “keep your eye on the blaze!” A blaze is also symbolic of God’s presence (Acts 2:2-4, Exodus 3:1-2, and Exodus 13:21). Consistent with the plea of Hebrews 12:1-2, we must keep our eyes on Jesus (the Blaze) as we run the race of faith.

Christian men desperately need a mentor, a more experienced brother who can come alongside and provide encouragement, accountability, and solid spiritual advice. Sadly, most men don’t have such a mentor. Eye on the Blaze was written to fill that need. The book provides encouragement, accountability, and solid spiritual advice to keep Christian men on God’s path as they struggle with the tough issues of life such as sexual purity, marriage, fatherhood, and financial debt.
Eye on the Blaze Ministries was formed in 2019 to provide trail magic to AT hikers each spring. Meeting this need provides an opportunity to share the gospel with non-believing AT hikers.
This site has also been designed to serve as a resource for those interested in the Appalachian Trail and the Katahdin Knife Edge. Numerous photographs have been captured in the Gallery that help visitors better visualize the trail. Links to YouTube Videos of my hike across the Knife Edge have also been provided on the Knife Edge web page.
View from Saddleback Mountain, Maine.