Trail Magic

Performing trail magic at Craig’s Creek parking area in Virginia on May 31st, 2019.  I served cheeseburgers, chips, and lots of cold sodas.

Hiker enjoying a cheeseburger.

Hiker posing for the camera.

Hikers enjoying trail magic.

During my hike through the 100-Mile Wilderness, I enjoyed Trail Magic twice.  This Trail Magic, which consisted of grilled hamburgers, cold soft drinks, chips, and coffee cake, was provided by Turtle, a former Thru-Hiker.  It was a wonderful, unexpected surprise and a tremendous blessing to hungry hikers!

As I hiked alone in the woods after enjoying this Trail Angel’s generosity, the Holy Spirit revealed that I should provide Trail Magic as a ministry to hungry hikers.  So, each year, I transform into a Trail Angel and provide Trail Magic through Eye On The Blaze Ministries.  Meeting this need provides great opportunities to share the gospel with hikers either verbally or in the form of a tract.  Once armed with this new information, there is no better place to ponder the truth or encounter the conviction of the Holy Spirit than on the trail.

Donations to the Trail Magic Ministry would be appreciated.

Sign up for the annual Trail Magic newsletter to see how your donations have ministered to Appalachian Trail hikers.